We cordially invite you to the opening of Pablo Ehmer – Twisted Courts. Come join us for some drinks on Tuesday!
Freshly covered in a new-cool style by Philipp Grünewald, the Kunstfenster für aktuelle Kunst, Kassel (KFAK,K) is happy to announce the exhibition CC:KFAK,K by Philipp Grünewald.
We warmly invite you for the opening on April 21 at 6pm!
The search for the perpetual motion machine is the search for the eternal in all of us.
Opening: 12 February 2016, 3pm
May contain traces of gluten, milk, eggs, soy, peanuts, tree nuts, and shellfish.
Fr. 29.01.2016
at 20.00 uhr
followed by
Gleis 1
We are happy to show Cut & Go by Bjørn Melhus at the KFAK,K right in time for the Kasseler Dokfest.
We cordially invite you for the opening on Thursday, 12. November 2015, at 4pm.
Das KFAK,K Kuratorium kündigt mit großer Spannung und Vorfreude die Ausstellung der Künstlerin Nina Wiesnagrotzki an.
Since 1954
Montage: durch die Kombination zweier Bilder entsteht ein drittes. Es gibt eine Kultur nuklearer Energie.
Aktuell existiert keine gültige Briefmarke zu Atomkraft.
Am 5. September 2015 findet erneut die Kasseler Museumsnacht statt und auch dieses Jahr wird das Kunstfenster für aktuelle Kunst, Kassel wieder inoffiziell teilnehmen.
Eröffnung am 5.9.15, 14 Uhr
Zwischen 15 und 18 Uhr Happy Hour an unserer Bar.
Die Museumsnacht ist geöffnet bis 22:00 Uhr
Die erste “two-person show” im Kunstfenster für aktuelle Kunst, Kassel eröffnet am Donnerstag, den 16.07.15 um 17:00 Uhr. Dem Kuratorium ist es eine Freude, Kriz Olbricht und Uta Pütz anzukündigen.
Wir freuen uns auf die Eröffnung YELLOW PAGES – PURPLE PATCH der Berliner Künstlerin und Betreiberin des Modelabes hui hui.
Zur Eröffnung laden wir am Freitag, den 29.5.15 ab 19 Uhr ein.
KFAK,K is happy to announce the opening of the exhibition “Selected texts” by the Finnish artist Mikko Kuorinki.
We cordially invite you to the KFAK,K opening, friday april 17th, at 20:00.
KFAK,K is happy to announce the opening of the exhibition “social threesome: display of solutions?” by Stefan Cantante.
In between the exhibition openings at Interim and Stellwerk, we cordially invite you to the KFAK,K opening at 19:52.
KFAK,K is happy to announce the opening of the multipart exhibition Contemporary Collage by Nikki Oosterveen. The exhibition will change at regular intervals throughout the duration.
We cordially invite you to the opening at 15:00. At 20.00 we will continue with an artist talk.
[Video] Nikki Oosterveen – my favorite public art
The sun is sinking in the west
The cattle go down to the stream
The redwing settles in the nest
It’s time for a cowboy to dream
This is an exercise in presencing.
The pair of images you will see are images of objects. They are versions of one another, variations on a theme. They appear at a scale 1000 times their actual size. They move; they meet; they will be immersed in the social, like caryatids liberated from their stony bases to walk free.
Images of objects float through the printed pages of books and magazines as they now also float through the parallel realm of the digital. Through space and time, their point of genesis may fade and become unknown, yet they reverberate.
We cordially invite you to the finissage of Anna John’s Doppelbilder, 12th of July, 7pm, KFAK,K.
Die Aktion Mondstein, flieg und sieg! war ein singuläres Spiel am Kunstfenster für aktuelle Kunst, Kassel.
We cordially invite you to the opening reception of Their promise of a future by Nicolas Fleming at the Kunstfenster für aktuelle Kunst, Kassel (KFAK,K). 6pm, Wednesday, January 15th 2014 at the Southwing of the Kulturbahnhof Kassel.
KFAK,K is pleased to announce their second exhibition which will open on Friday, July 5th. In collaboration with artists Camille Besson and Shiqipe Gashi, Friederike von Jäger has realized their piece Eröffnung. The France and Swiss-based artists employ form, dimension and material in order to transform the Kunstfenster into a bistable condition – open/closed.
On May 17th the window will be locked and operating.
KFAK,K is pleased to announce that Rollin Leonard will be our first exhibiting artist, presenting his new piece Balloon Head.
Detailed location information can be found on our About page.
Opening: 8pm – whenever
Flat Face is an ongoing series of work using a flattened selfportrait. Flat Face is printed on various surfaces and mapped onto objects including coffee mugs, large photographs, fabric, and now balloons (Balloon Head) in celebration for the opening of KFAK,K.
Rollin Leonard is a new media artist whose work is rooted in crude but systematic studio photography. For the last couple of years the subjects have mostly been bodies and body parts and most of the work has been designed to be experienced online. Rollin was born in 1984 in Boulder Colorado, USA is currently based in Maine. The artist’s work has been shown at such venues as: The Photographer’s Gallery, London; Point Ephémère, Paris; Museum of the Moving Image, New York; Moving Image Art Fair, New York; Essential Existence Gallery, Leipzig; Fach & Asendorf Gallery, online; NADA art fair, New York; and has an upcoming solo show at Transfer Gallery, Brooklyn October 2013. rollinleonard.com